The Best Time To Replace a Roof and Why the Season Matters

Roof replacement can be highly stressful, especially if you wait until the last second. There’s nothing worse than an increasing number of leaks as you’re frantically calling a local company to fit into their schedule.

But getting your roof replaced doesn’t have to be such an ordeal. The key is to book it ahead of time before it’s painfully obvious it’s time to replace your roof. Planning ahead is key to any roof repair or replacement process.

Check the last time you did your roof; if it were over twenty years ago, you’d probably have to consider roof replacement. Getting a new roof doesn’t have to be stressful as long as you replace your roof right.

Busy vs. Slow Seasons for Roofing Contractors

All industries have busy and slow times, which are heavily dependent on the season and location in the construction industry. You’ll have to do some research on your site to determine these seasons, but most of North America follows the seasons, winter being the least busy and summer being the most active, but keep in mind the exact months vary.

Get a Better Price on Your Roof Replacement: Timing on Getting Your Roof Replaced

You’ll want to shoot for the least busy seasons if your primary concern is a reasonable price. In North America, this would be the winter season. Most contractors are looking for work and are more willing to compromise on price.

You’ll get a better price on roofing materials when buying in the slow season, along with better deals on labor. However, the slow season often overlaps with winter, which obviously comes with many more challenges than simply scheduling.

However, if you research your area’s busy and slow seasons, you may find a time that works for you, where the weather is optimal, and the prices are low.

Spring best time to replace roof spring seasons

Spring is when business for roofing contractors begins to pick up. Scheduling is simple, and roof replacements go quickly. However, it’s still not a busy season, and the weather makes it an excellent time for asphalt shingles.

However, there are two downsides when scheduling for this season. First of all, roofing materials are at a higher price.

Higher demand leads to higher prices. This bumps up the cost of your roof replacement. In addition, the roofing contractor will likely raise their prices as well.

The other downside is the weather. Early spring has a lot of rain and possibly lower temperatures, which is not ideal for roof replacements.

In contrast, late spring has lower humidity, higher temperatures, and fewer showers, so aim for roof replacement in May or June.


The summer season is characterized by vacations, extreme heat, and sunny skies. This makes it a perfect time to get your roof replaced. However, it has its share of issues you should know before scheduling your roof replacement.

One of those problems is the extreme heat. While asphalt shingles need thermal sealing, they need installation at temperatures above forty degrees, and summer is well-above that range.

On the other hand, when it gets too hot, the shingles begin to melt and deform, making them harder to install and not as durable.

Also, roof installation is hard work and even worse in blistering heat. Temperatures on your roof can be twenty degrees above the ground.

So that means more breaks, though it’s not as bad as winter, which has many more installation issues due to weather.


Fall is often cited as the best time to replace your roof. Or at least that’s what roofing contractors want you to think.

Admittedly the weather and timing for installing a roof are perfect, balmy temperatures, few rain showers or storms, and it’s right before winter, so you can be sure you won’t have any emergencies. But there’s a dark side to fall you should consider before replacing your roof.

For one, don’t be surprised when you call a roofing contractor to schedule and find the closest install date is pushing Christmas. Even if it’s just for getting shingles replaced.

Fall is the peak busy season, and while roof installation goes quickly, there’s a lot for roofing companies to go through.

Moreover, prices are also at their peak this season, so don’t expect a cheap install. Materials and labor are sold at a premium, so if you’re trying to get the best deal, you might want to wait a couple more months.

Rather than replacing your roof, you might be better off getting roof repairs this season to ensure you last during the winter.

Getting your roof repaired is cheaper; you might find better scheduling and varieties with roof repair companies.


best time to replace roof winter season

Winter roof replacement can be difficult, but if you time it right, you can get your roof replaced cheaply while maintaining its quality.

However, harsh winter weather affects timelines and installation, but if you’re open to different roof replacement options, you can make it work.

The first barrier to roof installation in the winter is the cold temperatures. Roofing companies cannot install buckling and asphalt shingles correctly in cold temperatures, and roofing materials harden, making it complicated.

However, if you have the budget and plan, you can install metal roofing for cheap during winter. After all, materials are at an all-time low, and scheduling is quick and easy during the slow months.

While cold weather conditions can slow roof installation, if you time it right, it shouldn’t be a problem: at least not more so than harsh weather conditions in any other season.

Extreme weather aside, an experienced roofing contractor can install a new roof in any season, or make roofing repairs, so don’t let the season stop you from scheduling if it’s urgent.

The Best Time To Replace Roof: For You and Your Roofing Contractor

Depending on your area, your local roofing company may operate on a different busy/slow season schedule, so do your research before scheduling. Many homeowners leave roof installation to the last minute, a huge mistake.

Planning is one of the most important aspects of getting your roof installed, as it can lower roof costs and get you a better date and installation experience with roof installers.

So, no matter when you choose to replace a roof, be it in the dead of winter in colder weather, during balmy spring weather, or in the busy months of early summer and early fall, remember to schedule it at least a month out and plan ahead for unpredictable weather to have a smooth roof installation experience.

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