How Long Does It Take To Replace A Roof (By Material)

The Weather And Climate

While replacing only a few shingles can be a one-day job under the right conditions, a total roof replacement can take between one day to three weeks. This is because there are many factors that influence how long it takes to replace your roof.

Knowing that every roof is different, it’s important to know that every replacement will also be different. An average roof of 3,000 square foot residence can usually be replaced in a day. But consider that the following points may extend the length of your roof replacement:

Size Of Property

Small houses, garages, and sheds can experience speedy roof replacements with a skilled team. However, if your home or business is much larger than the average size home, it will take an extra day or two to complete your roof replacement.

  • The weather
  • Property size
  • Accessibility
  • Number of contractors
  • Materials

Small houses, garages, and sheds can experience speedy roof replacements with a skilled team. However, if your home or business is much larger than the average size home, it will take an extra day or two to complete your roof replacement.

Keep in mind that the square footage of your roof also affects the overall price of your roof replacement. Slight differences in square footage don’t make much of a difference in installation time or price, but an 8,000 sq. ft. roof will definitely take longer to replace than a 1,500 sq. ft. roof.

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Asphalt shingles are the most popular roofing material across the entire country. Homeowners appreciate how affordable this material is for how long it lasts (15-25 years). Asphalt shingles are widely available, and every roofing contractor is trained to install them, so installations are usually completed in one day.

Wood shingles, or cedar shakes, are a more specialized roofing material that requires a lot of hands-on maintenance. The aesthetics are beautiful, and this material typically takes two to five days to install.

Now that you have a better idea of how much time it takes for a roof replacement process, you can better prepare for your upcoming roof replacement project. This will ensure you have a stress-free experience during the big day. Just remember that a quick installation isn’t the most important feature. It’s best to leave this significant investment in the hands of a reliable and highly-skilled roofing company.

Father and son outside house, enjoying a stress-free cup of coffee.

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